Connected Smart Home Concierge

Connected Guru is here to help you understand the Connected Smart Home. We provide in-home assessment and prepare detailed plans to meet your project goals. We provide installation services ranging from video doorbells all the way to custom scripting full automation routines.

Home Control and Automation

Take a step beyond home "control" and start having your home perform its routines automatically.

Do you want your home to "wake-up" in the morning? Open your shades, turn on the lights, and play music to get the day started.

Do you want your doors locked, garage doors closed, and lights turned off at night?

Routines can be scheduled, based on location events (i.e. GeoFencing), or triggered on sensor data (e.g. Humidity to high -> turn on exhaust fan).

Vacation Home and Rental Property Monitoring

Do you have a second home that you would like to be able to keep closer tabs on? Connected door locks, sensors (motion, temperature, humidity), and cameras can give you comfort knowing the state of your investment.

Set your thermostat before you start your trip and arrive at a comfortable house. Did you forget to turn off the water main when you left? You can fix that from your phone.

Cutting the Cord

Ready to cut the cord? Connected Guru can assist you in identifying the right equipment and services that are necessary to meet your video needs.

OTA, OTT, Smart TVs, Streaming Devices, DVRs... We can walk you through all techno-babble and make sure you understand your options.